This study aims to investigate perceptions and teaching experiences of the teachers on the distance education during the Covid- 19 pandemic. The case study design was applied in this study. This study was carried out with 15 teachers read more
The aim of this qualitative study is to explore how staff at three Icelandic universities attend to the needs of students of immigrant background. The theoretical background includes critical multicultural studies which focus on analysing read more

Immigrant Students’ Experiences of Higher Education in Iceland: Why Does Culturally Responsive Teaching Matter?
The paper is based on the first, extensive, qualitative study on immigrant students’ experiences of university education in Iceland. The theoretical framework is based on culturally responsive teaching that derives from multicultural education read more

Framtíð í nýju landi
Í Morgunblaðinu laugardaginn 19. nóvember voru tvær greinar sem báðar snertu mig djúpt, sérstaklega vegna þeirrar innsýnar sem ég hef fengið í málefni ungra íslendinga af asískum uppruna í gegnum verkefnið Framtíð í nýju landi. Báðar staðfestu, hvor á sinn hátt, tilverugrundvöll readmore

Framtíð í nýju landi
2004 – 2007readmore

Students of Vietnamese Heritage: What Are Their Academic Experiences in Icelandic Upper Secondary Schools?
The first 56 quota refugees invited by the Icelandic government to settle in Iceland were from Hungary. By 2017, the number of refugees living in Iceland was 704 from different countries in Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and South America.This paper presents findings about the social, cultural, and educational acculturation process to read more dowload here

Equitable Pedagogical Practice in Culturally Diverse Classrooms; Perspectives of Teachers and Students in Upper Secondary Schools:
This article discusses the findings from a qualitative study in three Icelandic upper secondary schools which form part of the Nordic research project; Learning Spaces for Inclusion and Social Justice: Success Stories from Immigrant Students read more

A new day, a new adventure: Tjáningar og töfrar.
Í dag vaknaði ég eldhress eftir andvöku nótt. Fór upp í skóla, klæddi mig í skær grænan bol, nældi á mig miða sem á stóð ,, Ritari/secratary“, dróg upp tölvuna mín, settist niður og beið. ( Þeir sem horfðu á fréttirnar í kvöld gætu hafa séð mig) readmore

Framtíð í nýju landi Þróunarverkefni með innflytjendum í framhaldsskólum
Í greininni er fjallað um þróunarverkefnið Framtíð í nýju landi (FÍNL). Verkefnið var þriggja ára tilraunaverkefni og því var ætlað til að styðja víetnömsk ungmenni á Íslandi. 35 ungmenni voru skráð þátttakendur í verkefninu. Af þeim hópi voru tólf í skóla eða í starfsþjálfun en önnur voru ekki í formlegu námi read more